NOTE: This letter has been sent to the Detroit Free Press, The Grand Rapids Press, and the Muskegon Chronicle through there web site.
PRO – CHOICE12/23/07
I am a pro-choice person who is supporting the most pro-choice candidate of our time.
While this may come as a surprise to most people, Ron Paul is the most pro-choice candidate running for the Office of President. Let me explain by first examining the definition of choice.
choice | ch ois|noun
an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities : the choice between good and evil.
• the right or ability to make, or possibility of making, such a selection : I had to do it, I had no choice.

Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision not to be COMPELLED to fund Abortions through TAXATION for women who make their own choice to have one.
Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision not to be COMPELLED to PAY through TAXATION the handing out of condoms or any birth control to teens by our Public School System.
Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision to exercise my inherent right to freely practice my Faith without ridicule or harassment.
Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision to take responsibility for my own children’s education and not be COMPELLED to PAY for the education of others through government TAXATION.
Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision to keep control of my medical information and treatments between myself, and my doctor, and not leave these decisions up to insurance companies or government.

Ron Paul supports my pro-choice position that I should not be COMPELLED to PAY through TAXATION Corporate Welfare or Foreign Welfare.
Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision not to be COMPELLED to FUND through TAXATION protection for the borders of Foreign Countries, but instead, wants to bring our troops home to protect our own UNPROTECTED borders. Ron Paul supports my pro-choice decision to lovingly give to the charity of my choice and not be COMPELLED to give by force and threat through government TAXATION.
Yes, when you take a close look at, he is by far the most PRO-CHOICE candidate out there.
Rose Lear
Muskegon, Michigan
Click here to read the original article.