Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Leftwing Blogosphere Dreams Up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories to Explain Away DC 9/12 Time Lapse Video | NewsBusters.org

Leftwing Blogosphere Dreams Up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories to Explain Away DC 9/12 Time Lapse Video | NewsBusters.org: "The leftwing blogosphere has been trying to convince themselves and others that the attendance at the 9/12 Washington, D.C. Tea Party was fairly small. However, there is one really big problem for them. How to explain away a highly inconvenient time lapse video from a camera showing massive numbers of Tea Party folks parading down Pennsylvania Avenue (video below the fold). The way they get around to explaining away what our lyin' eyes tell us on that video is to devise the most hilarious set of conspiracy theories you can imagine.

Why is flag in the video at half staff? How come it is suddenly at full staff? Why does a man appear and suddenly disappear in the video? The flag flap doesn't match the wind speed. Etc., etc., etc..

I could go on and on explaining their bizarre conspiracy theories but please allow your humble correspondent to present them in their own highly entertaining and comedic words which you can also see at the Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos. The DUers kick off the comedy show by presenting absurdly low numbers:"

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