Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revealed: The ghost fleet of the recession anchored just east of Singapore | Mail Online

Revealed: The ghost fleet of the recession anchored just east of Singapore | Mail Online:

The biggest and most secretive gathering of ships in maritime history lies at anchor east of Singapore. Never before photographed, it is bigger than the U.S. and British navies combined but has no crew, no cargo and no destination - and is why your Christmas stocking may be on the light side this year

The 'ghost fleet' near Singapore

The 'ghost fleet' near Singapore. The world's ship owners and government economists would prefer you not to see this symbol of the depths of the plague still crippling the world's economies

The tropical waters that lap the jungle shores of southern Malaysia could not be described as a paradisical shimmering turquoise. They are more of a dark, soupy green. They also carry a suspicious smell. Not that this is of any concern to the lone Indian face that has just peeped anxiously down at me from the rusting deck of a towering container ship; he is more disturbed by the fact that I may be a pirate, which, right now, on top of everything else, is the last thing he needs.

Peter Schiff U S Rally Is Doomed, Gold Will Hit $5000

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff U S Rally Is Doomed, Gold Will Hit $5000



RR-21 - SPECIAL REPORT - Arrested at the G20

RR-21 - SPECIAL REPORT - Arrested at the G20

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Jeff Dickstein :: REPUBLIC MAGAZINE | VOICE OF THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT: "Home / Webinar / Jeff Dickstein
Jeff Dickstein

Jeff-DicksteinThe Government has sued Bill Benson seeking an injunction prohibiting him from “falsely” telling people the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution was not ratified and therefore they are not required to file an income tax return. The Government contends it is entitled to an injunction because Benson is promoting an abusive tax shelter, conduct made subject to penalty per 26 U.S.C. Section 6700.

In 1894 Congress passed an income tax act very similar to the current income tax law. That law was challenged on the basis that a tax on income is a direct tax, the United States Constitution requires direct taxes to be apportioned, and the act passed by Congress was not apportioned. The United States Supreme Court agreed and held the income tax act was unconstitutional."

Friday, September 18, 2009


Dear Friends of Freedom:

Please read, review and share this material far and wide, especially the PDF article from the recent 9/18/09 issue of Science Magazine entitled "A Race Against Time To Vaccinate Against Novel H1N1 Virus" - click here to download.

You can edit, copy and paste this entire post directly into your email application and send it.

Peace and God Bless,

Fred Smart

Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks 170909top3

Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination according to whistle blowers, while health authorities are laying the groundwork for a mass vaccination campaign by warning that serious and potentially deadly health problems will be blamed on the H1N1 vaccine.

More CDC Remediation in the event of a pandemic

Emergency Preparedness CDC Authority

Additional remedies CDC can call for in the event of a pandemic

The Truth About the Flu Shot
Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Boston launches flu shot tracking:

City to pinpoint areas of low rates of vaccination

Using technology originally developed for mass disasters, Boston disease trackers are embarking on a novel experiment - one of the first in the country - aimed at eventually creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination.

State Says Forced Injections, Quarantines For “Rapidly Spreading Germ,” But Not Swine Flu

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 18, 2009

State Says Forced Injections, Quarantines For Rapidly Spreading Germ, But Not Swine Flu 180909top

Health authorities in Massachusetts have indicated that they will impose quarantines and mandatory vaccinations in the event of the H1N1 virus mutating into a lethal germ, but that forcible injections are not on the agenda for the swine flu outbreak as it stands.

Protect yourself from H1N1 - Raise your Frequency!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Military check points to enforce swine flu vaccination shots! Mandatory RFID chip = 666 mark

YouTube - Military check points to enforce swine flu vaccination shots! Mandatory RFID chip = 666 mark

Keith Olbermann Slams Glenn Beck's 9/12 March Count Lies

YouTube - Keith Olbermann Slams Glenn Beck's 9/12 March Count Lies

9/12 Taxpayer Tea Party March on Washington, DC

YouTube - 9/12 Taxpayer Tea Party March on Washington, DC

What's Wrong with "Constitution" Day?


Two links to two great sources of education concerning the myth of "Constitutionality."

First Is Our Government Legitimate? by Laurence M. Vance. Here is a teaser and I dare you to follow the link and read the rest of it.

Buried in section 111 of Title I, "Miscellaneous Provisions and Offsets," of Division J, "Other Matters," in H.R. 4818, "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005," which became Public Law 108-447 on December 8, 2004, is the congressional decree that redesignates September 17th as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day instead of what was just Citizenship Day.

This law requires the head of each federal agency or department to provide:

  • each new employee of the agency or department with educational and training materials concerning the U.S. Constitution as part of the orientation materials provided the new employee; and
  • educational and training materials concerning the U.S. Constitution to each of its employees on September 17 of each year.

It also stipulates that "each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year to hold an educational program on the U.S. Constitution on September 17 of such year for its students."

September 17th was so designated because it is the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. In fact, this year is somewhat special because it is the 220th anniversary of that event. But what if, instead of being a cause for celebration, the adoption of the Constitution was "the most successful fraud in American history"?

The question, then, is a simple one: Is our government legitimate? I am not asking whether the U.S. government in its current state is legitimate based on its adherence to the Constitution. That it is not legitimate in that respect is obvious since the current government is about as far removed from the Constitution as it could ever be and still claim to be the government of a constitutional republic.

The Constitution was written by the delegates from twelve states to the Philadelphia Convention, which met from May 25 to September 17, 1787. It was debated and refined by some of the greatest political minds of the day. Some of the delegates had been members of Congress, some had written state constitutions, some had been state governors, and a few had even signed the Declaration of Independence or the Articles of Confederation. Three members of Convention were current members of Congress, including James Madison.

Correct, but is our government legitimate?

The Constitution was sent to the states for ratification on September 28, 1787. On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the Constitution. The ninth state needed for ratification was obtained on June 21, 1788, when New Hampshire ratified.

Yes, but is our government legitimate?

After Virginia (on June 25, 1788) and New York (on July 26, 1788) ratified the Constitution, the Confederation Congress passed a resolution on September 13, 1788, to put the new Constitution into effect. The operation of the new government under the Constitution began on March 4, 1789.

All true, but is our government legitimate? MORE HERE

Second is a marvelous treatise that has yet to be disputed well. Lysander Spooner's NATURAL LAW; OR THE SCIENCE OF JUSTICE:

Another teaser and link. If you are addled brained and squishy between the ears this may cause your indoctrinated and propagandized brain to hurt a little. Muddle on through it because it is the cure for what ails USAll.


Section I.

The science of mine and thine --- the science of justice --- is the science of all human rights; of all a man's rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It is the science which alone can tell any man what he can, and cannot, do; what he can, and cannot, have; what he can, and cannot, say, without infringing the rights of any other person.
It is the science of peace; and the only science of peace; since it is the science which alone can tell us on what conditions mankind can live in peace, or ought to live in peace, with each other.
These conditions are simply these: viz., first, that each man shall do, towards every other, all that justice requires him to do; as, for example, that he shall pay his debts, that he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its owner, and that he shall make reparation for any injury he may have done to the person or property of another.
The second condition is, that each man shall abstain from doing so another, anything which justice forbids him to do; as, [*6] for example, that he shall abstain from committing theft, robbery, arson, murder, or any other crime against the person or property of another.
So long as these conditions are fulfilled, men are at peace, and ought to remain at peace, with each other. But when either of these conditions is violated, men are at war. And they must necessarily remain at war until justice is re-established.
Through all time, so far as history informs us, wherever mankind have attempted to live in peace with each other, both the natural instincts, and the collective wisdom of the human race, have acknowledged and prescribed, as an indispensable condition, obedience to this one only universal obligation: viz., that each should live honestly towards every other.
The ancient maxim makes the sum of a man's legal duty to his fellow men to be simply this: "To live honestly, to hurt no one, to give to every one his due."
This entire maxim is really expressed in the single words, to live honestly; since to live honestly is to hurt no one, and give to every one his due. MORE HERE

Obama on Kanye's VMA Outburst

taylor swift - Google News

The Liberal Rules of Debate - Helpful tips for dealing with conservatives and Republicans

YouTube - The Liberal Rules of Debate - Helpful tips for dealing with conservatives and Republicans

WeAreCHANGE confronts Larry Silverstein

YouTube - WeAreCHANGE confronts Larry Silverstein

An Inconvenient Sun - Trailer

YouTube - An Inconvenient Sun - Trailer

Elizabeth Warren Makes Timmy Geithner Squirm Over AIG and Goldman Sachs Bailouts

YouTube - Elizabeth Warren Makes Timmy Geithner Squirm Over AIG and Goldman Sachs Bailouts

ARREST of JAN LINDSEY, former FBI agent

YouTube - ARREST of JAN LINDSEY, former FBI agent

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Protect yourself from H1N1 - Raise your Frequency!

YouTube - Protect yourself from H1N1 - Raise your Frequency!

The "Recession" is Over

YouTube - The "Recession" is Over

Hello Michigan: Open Letter To Glenn Beck By Alex Jones

Hello Michigan: Open Letter To Glenn Beck By Alex Jones: "“Be on the right side of history,” talk show host tells Beck as Fox News anchor leads grass-roots conservatives astray

'I appeal to you directly Glenn – think twice about what you are doing, think twice about what you are a part of right now. Try to do what you can to redeem yourself and don’t be a Benedict Arnold, don’t be a traitor that takes legions of good-natured but hoodwinked people down the rat hole with you as America collapses because those who had voices and platforms used them to deceive and distract rather than tell the truth.'"

Campaign For Liberty — Audit the Fed Illinois Packs a Serious Punch!

Campaign For Liberty — Audit the Fed Illinois Packs a Serious Punch!


Please share with everybody...All in all the american people have been warned about this swine flue (h1n1) flu for this fall and nothing about what is shown in this video...the police state,martial law,fines,mass quarantines,force vaccinations... please take caution and help wake up others before it's too late god bless and always trust in the lord.


Hello Michigan:Rep. Alan Grayson Announces a Hearing on Ron Paul's Bill to Audit the Federal Reserve (HR 1207)

Hello Michigan: "Rep. Alan Grayson announces there will be a hearing in late September on the bill to audit the Federal Reserve. If this bill passes, the audit will be the first time the central bank has been independently audited."

Hello Michigan: Another Soldier Speaks Out; Swine flu, chipping

Hello Michigan: "It doesn't look good folks, for our military to be risking themselves to warn us we should take heed."

A Chicago demonstration to audit the Federal Reserve - 09/15/2009

YouTube - A Chicago demonstration to audit the Federal Reserve - 09/15/2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Audit The Fed Street Rally In Chicago - September 15, 2009

Common Security Clubs: In their own voices

YouTube - Common Security Clubs: In their own voices

Picture Worth a Thousand Words...

Leftwing Blogosphere Dreams Up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories to Explain Away DC 9/12 Time Lapse Video |

Leftwing Blogosphere Dreams Up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories to Explain Away DC 9/12 Time Lapse Video | "The leftwing blogosphere has been trying to convince themselves and others that the attendance at the 9/12 Washington, D.C. Tea Party was fairly small. However, there is one really big problem for them. How to explain away a highly inconvenient time lapse video from a camera showing massive numbers of Tea Party folks parading down Pennsylvania Avenue (video below the fold). The way they get around to explaining away what our lyin' eyes tell us on that video is to devise the most hilarious set of conspiracy theories you can imagine.

Why is flag in the video at half staff? How come it is suddenly at full staff? Why does a man appear and suddenly disappear in the video? The flag flap doesn't match the wind speed. Etc., etc., etc..

I could go on and on explaining their bizarre conspiracy theories but please allow your humble correspondent to present them in their own highly entertaining and comedic words which you can also see at the Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos. The DUers kick off the comedy show by presenting absurdly low numbers:"

Sunday, September 13, 2009


RepublicMedia.TV | Independent Digital Media Network | Front Page Features: "The live event in D.C. has concluded. Thank you for tuning in and please remember, RepublicMedia.TV is about YOU. It's about empowerment through use of digital media. Don't just watch or read, get involved! Tell us about your favorite webTV show, become a broadcaster, write, blog, and engage in the battle to restore this great nation..."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Side Stepping Constitution

YouTube - Side Stepping Constitution

Till the Revolution Comes

YouTube - Till the Revolution Comes

America, Meet Your President (The REAL Barack H. Obama)

Facebook | Home

Ignatius Piazza: Don’t Just Remember 9/11… Uncover It

Ignatius Piazza: Don’t Just Remember 9/11… Uncover It: "I remember discussing the events of 9/11 a few months after it happened with an acquaintance of mine who, at the time, would have been labeled as a “conspiracy theory” nut case.

I was polite while listening to him tell me that 9/11 was an inside job by our own government to dupe the American public into willingly allowing further erosion of our civil liberties in the pursuit of “terrorists” and to rally public sentiment to support an expansion of our military presence in the Middle East through invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

At the time, I thought he was delusional. I could not imagine our own government would do anything so nefarious to the American citizenry.

Well, as more and more scientific evidence continues to pile up, as more experts release their opinions, and as more and more very credible people who were in the buildings when it happened come forward to tell their stories about what they saw and heard before, during, and after the planes struck the Twin Towers, the more it appears that the entire truth of what happened on 9/11 has yet to be told.

Now, a very professional and credible documentary has been produced in Europe. It uncovers facts not previously released in the American mainstream media or mentioned in the “official” government investigation of 9/11.

On this the anniversary of 9/11, we should honor those who died by taking a real, hard look at what happened. Ask yourself what YOU believe is the truth. I’m interested to know what you think.

Here it is…

Please forward this blog to everyone you know — as I’m sure you will agree that EVERY American needs to see this."

Kevin Barrett 9/11 - 'Van Jones should've done what I did!'

YouTube - Kevin Barrett 9/11 - 'Van Jones should've done what I did!'

Touring the wreckage

Touring the wreckage

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

YouTube - Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' in Washington Office - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' in Washington Office - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - "One day after two ACORN officials in Baltimore were fired for offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute to engage in child prostitution and a series of tax crimes, another secretly shot videotape has surfaced that shows the same couple getting similar advice from ACORN officers in Washington.

The newly released videotape, shot on July 25, shows ACORN staffers explaining to the pair how they can hide the woman's professed work — prostitution — and get a loan that will help them establish a brothel.

James O'Keefe, a 25-year-old independent filmmaker, posed as the pimp while visiting the ACORN office, accompanied by 20-year-old Hannah Giles, who posed as the prostitute. On a videotape provided to, they are seen receiving guidance to establish the woman as the sole proprietor of a bogus company to mask the nature of her business."

Hello Michigan: Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN

by James O'Keefe
A famous community organizer once said, “The only way to upset the power structure in your communities is to goad them, confuse them, irritate them and, most of all, make them live by their own rules. If you make them live by their own rules, you destroy them.” Impossible demands can irritate modern leftists in ways nothing else can, whether it’s by banning Lucky Charms cereal because it’s racist against Irish people, calling Planned Parenthood saying you want to donate money for black abortions in the name of Margaret Sanger, or making Sen. Snowe sign an oversized bailout check for a billion dollars to Amtrak, in her own office.

Hello Michigan

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Right Side of Life » Barnett v. Obama: Judge Sets Conference, Tentative Trial Date; Taitz, Davis Video

The Right Side of Life » Barnett v. Obama: Judge Sets Conference, Tentative Trial Date; Taitz, Davis Video: "After so many cases — chronicled on this blog (see links at the end of this posting) and elsewhere — have come and gone, eligibility attorney and activist Dr. Orly Taitz’ Barnett v. Obama case has gone the furthest of them all.

US District Judge David O. Carter has order a scheduling conference between the parties to the case to occur on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 8:30am PT with tentative trial dates following up thereafter, assuming that the Court finds reason to go so far."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Red Flag To Fly Over White House

Red Flag To Fly Over White House: "Perhaps one blogger summed it up the best. He said, 'It can now be official--leave the [Chinese] flag there.' His point is well taken.

China already owns more U.S. debt than any other entity. America's politicians from both parties have superintended over the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and factories to (mostly) China. America's business elite at the Chamber of Commerce has willingly traded U.S. business interests to China at unprecedented and dangerous levels. Major banking institutions have enthusiastically orchestrated the commercial and financial buildup of Communist China. America's military and political leadership have even helped augment Red China's military apparatus.

'Made in China' labels appear on almost everything we buy today; perhaps it is appropriate that the Red flag flies over the White House. While we're at it, let's hoist the Red flag over the newsrooms of many of America's newspapers; the headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN; most of the political science classrooms at America's major colleges and universities; many of our mainline 'Christian' denominations; the boardrooms of many major U.S. corporations; and also over many of the smoke-filled parlors of Big Labor. In the end, they all seem to be colored a pale shade of red these days."

CAMP FEMA: Will You Go Quietly?

CAMP FEMA: Will You Go Quietly?


ELIAKIM: VISION OF LENIN: "On the evening of the 7th of September while in the bath I was shown these visions.

I was shown a vision of a head of a man that I recognised but wasn't sure who he was although I knew he was from the Russian revolution. Then a brown paper bag went on to the head of the man, so that his face could not be seen. And I asked my heavenly father where is this man? He replied 'In the Pentagon'."

Sheen's Twenty Minutes with the President on 9/11

Sheen's Twenty Minutes with the President on 9/11: "Actor and director, Charlie Sheen, has composed an interview with President Obama regarding the facts behind the Sept. 11 attack, inasmuch as six of the ten 9/11 Commissioners now doubt the veracity of the official government story. Cites 20 briefings of crucial evidence that needs to be addressed."