Monday, July 16, 2007

Adopt an Iowan

A Grass Roots Effort to combat big money campaigns from using special interest money to buy a "victory" at the Iowa Straw Poll.

For those spread far and wide who would like to go to the Iowa straw poll but can't, here's a way that you can still help: Adopt-an-Iowan. I can't vouch 100% for this group, althoughI have seen signs of their existence for a little while through the Meet Up organizers group. If you're so inclined, check them out for yourself, and maybe help send a Ron Paul Iowan to the straw poll in a few weeks. (Thanks to Nick who sent me a message about this)

Thank you for your interest in the Ron Paul ~ Adopt-a-Iowan for the Straw Poll effort. The purpose of this effort is to collect funds and buy tickets for Ron Paul supporters in Iowa who want to go to the straw poll, but do not have the funds to pay for the $35.00 ticket. You can find information regarding the Iowa Straw Poll here.

Read more here.

1 comment:

Webmaster said...

Someone has flagged that page and we now can't get in. Please write to Google and have them UNFLAG IT!