Saturday, July 7, 2007

Capital Hill Blue Apologizes to The Ron Paul Campaign

My bad...
July 7, 2007 - 5:38pm.

Because I went without sleep for most of last weekend when we moved the site to new servers, I took a break from editing Blue during the 4th of July week (although I did write a couple of columns).

It seems that three articles were posted about the Ron Paul campaign that were not what I would have written (or approved) and some felt were my work. One of our editors incorrectly assumed that my lack of support for Ron Paul meant he could declare open season on that candidate. He was wrong and I apologize for his misuse of this web site. Read more.

1 comment:

mw said...

Doug Thompson and CHB have zero credibility and any blogger that ever quotes anything they say, whether a story or even a subsequent retraction risks being tainted by the association. This particular story is not unique. Thompson frequently apologizes for, corrects, or simply "disappears" stories he presents at CHB as facts, usually blaming co-workers or untraceable sources. Eric at Classical Values did a great series on Doug Thompson and CHB a year ago, concluding:

"I'm getting a bit tired of Capitol Hill Blue. It's an unreliable web site which I'd never read before July 16, and I think it's staffed by sock puppets... is it possible that reasonable people might be able to agree that regardless of who or what it is, or how, or why it originated, Capitol Hill Blue has been so thoroughly discredited, that it should not be relied on by anyone, anywhere, ever again?"

It is a great and amusing read. I am speaking from experience, as I quoted DT in a post where he claims that GWB said the Constitution was "A god damn piece of paper" in a meeting. CHB has subsequently retracted, "disappeared", and restored that story on their site. I corrected my piece but left it out there with the correction and links to Eric's story as a cautionary tale for other bloggers.

CHB is a very odd duck, made worse by their claims to be a journalistic site and purporting to hold themselves to a higher journalistic standard than a blog.