Sunday, September 30, 2007

Concord Monitor Article About Ron Paul

Many awakenings: Ron Paul is as surprised as anyone at the near messianic zeal he inspires

Monitor staff
September 30. 2007 12:07AM

Ron Paul doesn't understand his own success. He didn't know his calls for an end to the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education would draw cheers, that his anti-income tax, anti-foreign intervention and libertarian message would resonate. He was reluctant to run for the Republican presidential nomination, he said yesterday: He was convinced it would take another "generation for education" before his message - rooted in Paul's reading of the Constitution - gained traction.

"I have been just dumbfounded about what's happening," Paul said yesterday in Manchester's Veteran's Park, where roughly 500 sup

porters gathered for a glimpse of the presidential candidate. "I've been talking this way for 30 years. But something, something special is happening." Click here for more.

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