Friday, September 7, 2007

Ron Paul: "A Swift Kick In The Ass For American Politics"

"Chicago Chad" over on crafted a very well written/researched blog entry on Dr. Paul as follows:

He's A Bad Mother- Shut Your Mouth... I'm just talkin about Congressman Ron Paul!

Viewed from certain superficial angles, Congressman Ron Paul possesses many of the same characteristics as his opponents in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. In addition to having a lengthy career in politics (tenures in the House of Representatives dating back to the mid 1970's as well as a bid for the United States presidency as a Libertarian in 1988), having served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and attending a prestigious University, Ron Paul- like all U.S. Presidents other than Kennedy- is a protestant white male. Thankfully, the similarities virtually end there.

Congressman Paul is a medical doctor and has delivered over 4,000 babies while serving as an obstetrician. (A doctor and not a lawyer! Why don't we see this more often from our presidential candidates?) While the other candidates in the Republican field have voting/ policy-making records that are marred by compromise and contradiction, Dr. Ron Paul has remained steadfast in his Constitutionalist/Libertarian values, a fact unremittingly reflected in his voting record. Paul has NEVER voted for a raise in taxes, an unbalanced budget, or a congressional pay-raise. Standing apart from the ever-maddening crowd of Republicans in Congress, Ron Paul has voted against The Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, and regulation of the internet.


In the passages below, I have compiled a series of excerpts from interviews with Congressman Paul as well as a few additional relevant comments that he has made. I do not share ALL of Ron Paul's views nor is it my expectation that any of you would, particularly if you- and I sincerely hope that you do- decide to research this man further. I have put together this blog in order to generate some degree of awareness and excitement for a candidate who not only espouses intriguing and often seemingly radical ideas but also does quite well for himself in supporting his views and intended policies. In a time in which we are forced to choose between a limited field of convoluted and self-serving politicians, the words of Ron Paul have given me hope that there are still principled, intelligent, and altruistic individuals who are active in our main-stream national politics. The attention (and endorsement) that Paul has received as seen in the excerpts below gives me hope that with proper exposure, we may actually see someone like Paul as a viable contender for the presidency. Read more here - along with perhaps one of THE best collection of recent quotes from Ron Paul.

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