Monday, November 5, 2007

Ron Paul's Record Online Haul


Sen. Barack Obama has Oprah Winfrey, Sen. Hillary Clinton has Magic Johnson and Rep. Ron Paul, the online star of the primary race, has Sean Morley, aka Val Venis, the popular adult film star-turned-WWE pro wrestler.

And like many of the Paulites, the Texas congressman's loyal, Web-savvy supporters, Morley is blogging about Paul on his own site. "I can't really say what my support means. But, you know, I first heard about him two years ago, and I've studied his voting record and I'm convinced that more than candidate, Republican or Democrat, he's the most principled candidate out there," Morley, a libertarian, told The Trail this afternoon. "By the way, I'm at Denny's outside LAX. Here for a fight later tonight. I'm wearing a Ron Paul T-shirt. It's a great day for Ron Paul, you know."

Read more here.

PS. Per the above link - Washington Post's Jose Antonio Vargas interviews some "Paulites" in New Hampshire:

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